Perfect Brown Wavy Shoulder Length Synthetic Wigs

Reference: PD20200701543

Cap Constrction: Capless
Show Colour: 8
Material: Synthetic
Hair Cut: Layered
Hair Style: Wavy
Hair Length: 12"

The wig is a gorgeous, shoulder length wig which has a feminine and softly shaped silhouette. The longer fringe measures 5" and can be worn swept slightly to the side. There is a gently, defined left sided parting that sweeps to the side. The crown layers measure 8" and perfectly blend into the back of this pretty wig. There are softly, shaped flicks towards the bottom of this piece. They gently turn outwards creating a truly feminine contour. The wig is a very relaxed look that is soft, realistic and flattering to all face shapes. This piece has lots of natural movement due to its length and layers. A pretty, pretty look!

Advantages of Capless Wigs
Capless wigs allow your head to stay cooler than solid capped wigs. This is due to the fact that it is made with less hair and the specific capless construction allows for some air flow to the head and scalp.There are also adjustable straps or hooks at the nape of the neck to secure the wig in place.

122.92 $

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