Radiant Blonde Curly Long Synthetic Wigs

Reference: PD20200704122

Approximate Dimensions: Fringe Length: 8" (20cm),Overall Length: 25" (66cm)
Cap Constrction: Capless
Show Colour: 22
Material: Synthetic
Hair Cut: Layered
Hair Style: Curly

The wig is long, luscious and utterly gorgeous! The long, side swept fringe measures 8cm (20"). It beautifully blends into the side waves that will cascade around your face. The overall length from the crown to the back tips is 66cm (25"). The crown layers are straighter than the overall look and then they gradually blend into the soft, open curls which have slight ringlets in places. The cap will give the impression that the hair is coming from your own scalp. It is the ultimate in comfort and realistic appearance. They have definitely succeeded with this long, soft curled wig. The wig has soft, relaxed curls which are incredibly feminine and natural looking. A gorgeous longer ladies wig at a fantastic price.

Advantages of Capless Wigs
Capless wigs allow your head to stay cooler than solid capped wigs. This is due to the fact that it is made with less hair and the specific capless construction allows for some air flow to the head and scalp.There are also adjustable straps or hooks at the nape of the neck to secure the wig in place.

147.95 $

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